September 28, 2024

Passio: The Last Supper Is a Feast of Flesh

The Last Supper“Eat this - it is my body,” says Danny Fox in Dark Alley’s new religious epic

For Immediate Release

September 28, 2024 (New York). One of the most legendary iconic images of religious tradition, Leonardo daVinci’s The Last Supper, has always been fodder for reference, reproduction and parody. Everything from The Simpsons to The Sopranos has done it, and it was memorably deconstructed in the megahit novel The DaVinci Code. Now notorious adult film director Matthias von Fistenberg has taken his turn, with his retelling of the Greatest Story Ever Told – Passio.

Passio tells a number of tales from and about the life of Jesus Christ, played by heavenly Dark Alley exclusive Danny Fox (pictured above). In the climactic scene, Jesus sits down to the famous meal with his various acolytes, and before long breaking bread has become swallowing meat and pounding beef. Soon we get to see what happened once Leonardo put down the paintbrush and picked up the lube bottle.

Says von Fistenberg in his essay The Story Behind Passio: “The scenes of the Last Supper offer a radically new interpretation. I maintained the color palette and meticulous composition from Leonardo daVinci’s famous painting, yet I was more inspired by the elegant grouping of figures portrayed by another Renaissance master, Jacopo Bassano. Here is Jesus depicted in the company of men only, the stunned expression on his face giving way to the friendly affections of his disciples. One thing leads to another and soon everything in the entire feast smacks of a brilliant mise-en-scène.”

Christian groups are already crying holy hell over a similarly themed poster for this year’s Folsom Street Festival, and at least the folks in that image are fully dressed. Wait till they get a load of this feast of flesh! What those overly sensitive pious types fail to realize is that The Last Supper is not sacred ground – it’s just one man’s interpretation of something that may or may not have happened. Passio is just another re-interpretation, and one that’s a hell of a lot more fun! And do they forget that the guy who painted the original was gay too?

Dark Alley Media, 451 Communipaw Ave, New Jersey, NJ 07304, ph 212-380-1010 (New York), fx 646-201-5549,,,

Posted at 4:19 pm by Martyn |

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