June 4, 2024

“For the Love of God, No More!”

Aww… the pussies over at Sirius can’t handle the heat!

We do enjoy freaking people the fuck out, and we did it in spades on Friday night’s The Derek & Romaine Show on Sirius OutQ Satellite Radio. Derek himself was off manhandling Mormons at Salt Lake City Pride, so we had Romaine all to ourselves. And she’d just concluded an interview with Lucy Lawless, so she was all moist with a lesbo hardon.

On came Tony Bishop and Aaron King, who immediately took things to another level by flashing Tony’s tattooed penis. With one lesbian, one gay man and one straight man in the room, reactions were varied, as you can imagine. Romaine got Tony to admit that it was a dyke who did the inkwork, but not that it might have been the lady’s grudge match against the evils of patriarchy.

Aaron KingAaron (pictured), on the other hand, kept it romantic (except for when he was talking about being elbow deep in Matthias von Fistenberg’s intestines, of course). He explained how he did his first porn with Dark Alley, then did a couple of scenes for Sean Cody before falling in love and settling down. Then he split up with the boyf and came back to porn, then fell in love again! Romaine was quite indignant, claiming that as public figures, porn stars have no right to fall in love and spoil their fans’ fantasies, or at least if they do they have to lie about it. It’s the only honorable thing to do.

The boys also tried to explain exactly what goes on in our new movie Fisting Underground, Part 3 to Romaine, who was fascinated despite herself. “But… but… where does it go?” And when it came to the double-fisting and footing, well, Romaine’s lady-erection well and truly shriveled. She wasn’t the only one – on the online Derek & Romaine chat room, show listeners desperately typed “For the love of God, no more fisting!” Like we said, pussies.

To tie up, we’ll plug Tony’s MySpace page at MySpace.com/TonyBishop and Aaron’s new site AaronKingXXX.com, where he’ll feature exclusive pics and a hi-def video of him getting fisted for the first time.

Posted at 1:28 pm by Martyn |

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