June 21, 2024

“What Would Bill Donahue Do?”

Donahue on OPersonally we were hoping for a bit more teeth-gnashing and rending of clothes, but instead the sneak peek image from Dark Alley’s just filmed religious-themed (and as yet untitled) movie that we posted this week has inspired a remarkably intelligent discussion over free speech and censorship.

GayPornBlog.com picked up the story in a simple, to-the point piece called “Dark Alley’s Martyr Complex”, and the comments have been very enlightening. Here’s just a snippet:

As much as I enjoy antagonizing the fundies, one has to wonder what will happen when Bill Donohue gets a hold of this. And if you think Bill O’Reilly was like a dog with a bone when San Francisco decided to help Colt Studio celebrate its fortieth anniversary, just wait until he sees this.

In response:

When an artist, a community, or for that matter a porn peddler starts to self-censor just to please the “normals” and avoid controversy a vital bit of vocabulary is lost and another door closes. True - a naked man mimicking Christ in a porn film may not seem like an important thing to protect, but it is a surprisingly short leap between it and objections leveled at works hanging in a number of great museums around the world (Remember the Mapplethorpe “book burnings” of the 80s and 90s?).

Click here to read the rest.

Posted at 1:54 pm by Martyn |

1 Comment »

  1. […] » “What Would Bill Donahue Do?” True - a naked man mimicking Christ in a porn film may not seem like an important thing to protect, but it is a surprisingly short leap between it and objections leveled at works hanging in a number of great museums around the world (tags: art censorship media religion) […]

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