June 1, 2024

Ring of Fire

Fisting Underground 3International Mister Leather is a time for hardcore fetish-lovers to meat and greet. You’d think the guys who go to IML would have seen it all already, right? After all, at various points in the five-day event, guys were getting fucked live on stage, locked up in cages or mummified in front of an audience. So what could we possibly do to top that?

We showed them Fisting Underground, Part 3, that’s what.

In the course of filming FU3, fetish-wares retailer Fort Troff had kindly offered us some of their freakiest equipment to use – like the rosebud pump for one. So it was only right that we join forces for IML. Between us we took over a whole room of the Leather Market, with scintillating displays of slings, butt-toys, clothes, boots, body jewelry and more. And as every single guy (and the occasional girl) walked in the door, they were all struck dumb by the debut screening of Fisting Underground, Part 3.

Fort Troff logoJaws were dropping. Faces were astonished. Grizzled veterans would shriek and drop their cocktails. Jaded porn professionals covered their faces in horror. And DVDs flew off the shelves. It’s likely the stores around town will be too scared to actually stock this one, so anal enthusiasts need to click on the link to DarkAlley.com and buy it direct.

Meanwhile, when you get that many ass-crazed perverts crammed into one city at once, you know things are gonna get seriously fucked up. And they did.

Dark Alley’s Matthias von Fistenberg is one raging slut with a canyon-sized asshole - what our high-school friends used to call a “bucket cunt” - that only multiple fists can satisfy. And so that’s what we set up for him. We called it Matthias’ 20 Fist Weekend.

Here’s what Matt had to say about his daily schedule:

Breakfast at 10am, gym 11am-noon, getting fisted on film 1-6pm on average by 6-7 guys in 30-minute blocks, 7pm dinner, heavily lubricated with margaritas, and by 10.30pm I was so tired it was bedtime for me.

On Sunday I woke up early and horny from all the fisting. I went on Manhunt and found two sex-parties that I attended at 6.30am and 7am-10am. Obviously, the second was better than the first, ‘cause I stayed longer than half an hour, but at each I was able to score at least three guys to fist me.

On Saturday evening, after the longer than usual day of shooting, I still hadn’t had enough. So I bought a ticket to the Chicago Mafia party, where I played with a couple of guys, one of them younger, cute and happy to feed me two fists at the same time for at least an hour and a half.

Our new casting director Tony Bishop took his job very seriously, scouring the crowd for hot and willing asspigs who wouldn’t mind opening up one of the most famous fannies in porn on film. By the end of the weekend, we reckon Matt has taken about 40 fists – after all each person has two hands, right?

Seriously, we don’t think there’s ever been so many fists up one asshole in so little time. We can’t wait until it’s time to unleash the whole sordid thing onto you freaks and make you all drop you jaws and shit your pants again.

While you wait, here are some off-the-cuff shots of our room at IML - names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Matt & Owen at the Dark Alley booth

Fisting Underground 3 poster

Matt and Gaytanamo poster

Fort Troff crowd

random stud

Matt gets shaved

Fort Troff crowd

Jake's tattooed ass

Fort Troff sales hottie
Posted at 12:22 am by Martyn |


  1. […] Source: » Ring of Fire […]

    Pingback by The Hog Log » Blog Archive » » Ring of Fire — June 2, 2024 @ 1:33 pm

  2. […] Ring of Fire […]

    Pingback by » Back in Black — June 12, 2024 @ 2:56 pm

  3. […] If you didn’t get enough of the rawhide at IML this Memorial Day weekend, next weekend gives you another chance to strut your assless chaps. […]

    Pingback by The Hog Log » Blog Archive » Back In Black — June 13, 2024 @ 5:12 pm

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