June 12, 2024

Back in Black

FolsomIf you didn’t get enough of the rawhide at IML this Memorial Day weekend, next weekend gives you another chance to strut your assless chaps. It’s time for Folsom Street East, the New York siblings of the legendary San Francisco annual debauchery-fest. And, being the dirty deviants we are, you can bet Dark Alley Media will be there.

So come on down and say hi, chat to our guys, check out the kind of porno action you ain’t gonna see anywhere else, sign up to appear in a movie, or even engage us in philosophical discussions about the rights of prisoners of war. As long as we get some dick, we’re happy.

GMSMAFolsom Street East XI takes place 2-8pm Sunday, June 17, on 28th Street (between 10th and 11th aves) in New York City. The suggested donation is $5, which benefits the NYC Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, the LGBT Community Center, and event producers GMSMA.

Posted at 2:56 pm by Martyn |

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