June 11, 2024

Bubbles on My Mind

NightLots of websites picked up the Night Eyes story (pictured) over the weekend. It’s the lead item this morning on GaySexBlog.net:

Dark Alley has a new Eastern European line they are distributing—doesn’t every porn company nowadays? Don’t answer that—called Bubble B. Does it stand for Bubble Boy? Bubble Butt? Bubble Booty? Enquiring minds want to know.

JC Adams’ weekly The Adams Report also welcomed the news:

Voyeurism is a theme and departs from Dark Alley’s “tougher, rougher, freakier” breed of performers but, as the press release notes, they’re “no less eager for sex for that difference.” Good to know!

The largely business-to-business JRL Charts really helped the push with this glowing piece about the new movie – listen to ’em, guys!

I had to report on this one, retailers, because as you know, Bubble B Entertainment and Dark Alley Distribution’s first release, titled Night Eyes [2024], is exploding in retail stores nationwide in America. After just two (2) weeks in release, Night Eyes [2024] gains 9 spots up on the JRL Weekly Top 50 Chart, landing at # 20 in America.

Pretty damn cool, eh?

Matt & Aaron in QuickiesMeanwhile, Marc over at Chronicles of Pornia has developed a bit of a crush on Dark Alley discovery Aaron King. He prints up a variety of tasty pics from his Dark Alley shoots plus his new movie with Jet Set.

Ring the alarm! Ring the alarm! I’ll be damned if Aaron King isn’t one of the hottest things in porn right now. Just look at that gorgeous body. He’s got the V shape that every guy wants. … Aaron quite simply has it going on.

Aww…Marc’s in love! Aaron stars in Quickies (pictured) and the just-released Fisting Underground 3, and will return in the soon-to-come von Fistenberg’s 8 ½.

Posted at 1:24 pm by Martyn |

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