April 27, 2024

First Reviews of Gaytanamo

The first review of Gaytanamo is out, courtesy of ManNet.com, and you’d better believe it comes “Highly, Highly Recommended.”

Here’s a quick quote from Brent Blue’s glowing review:

“Director Matthias von Fistenberg and cohort writer Owen Hawk are damn clever men. The message is carefully obscured in their own devilish brand of seedy hardcore sex. The sex scenes are allowed to exist on their own without intrusion, which is important in a piece like this. The social and political aspects of this engrossing film are certainly evident and impressive, but it’s von Fistenberg’s way of portraying grimy sexual splendor that makes this one such a winner in my book.”

The review then goes on to give you an extremely detailed, blow-by-blow and fuck-by-fuck account of the movie, ending with the opinion that “the creators are truly brilliant and passionate individuals.”

Aww, shucks, Brent! We love you too.

Read the whole MenNet.com review here, or we’ve also attached the full thing to the Gaytanamo page at the DarkAlley.com online store.

Posted at 12:48 pm by Martyn |

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