April 17, 2024

An American Love Story

Between shows and behind scenes of this year’s American Idol, romance is blooming.

The two hunks of the show, Chris Richardson and Blake Lewis, unbeknownst to all their adoring teenage female fans, have been getting cuddly together in the wings.


Follow with us now, gentle readers, as we introduce you to an American Love Story.

Oh, that incredible moment as they make eye contact in the dressing room…


Blake checks out Chris’s ass as they wait for the results, wondering if he should just jump his bones and do him right then and there.


“Look, just wait till we get back to the hotel, okay? Then we can do whatever you want.”


Sanjaya: “But i wanted to get fingered too…”


“For the last time Ryan, no you cannot come back to the hotel with us.”


“And this is why. I swear it was this big - just ask Mario Vasquez.”


Posted at 10:44 pm by Martyn |

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